The development and utilization of nursing knowledge is essential for continued improvement in health care. Nurses increasingly are expected to adopt the evidence-based practice, by using research findings to make their decisions, actions, and interactions effective.

Another reason for nurses to engage in research involves the spiraling costs of health care and cost containment practices being instituted in health care facilities.

Now, more than ever before, nurses need to document and therefore make visible the effectiveness of their practice, not only to their profession but also to the nursing care consumers, health care administrators, third-party payers, and government agencies.

The research findings when published in scientific journals to reach a wider population will help eliminate nursing actions that do not achieve desired outcomes. Other findings will help nurses identify practices that enhance health care outcomes and contain costs as well.

To promote research in nursing and to provide a channel to disseminate the results of the research done by nurses, Choithram College of Nursing, Indore, initiated the publication of the “Indian Journal of Nursing Studies” in 2010.

The IJNS is a peer-reviewed journal that has been registered under Newspaper Act Vide No. MPENG/2010/36219 and also has obtained ISSN 2229-3280(print), ISSN Number- 2455-8915 (Online). Its periodicity is twice a year. The journal has been bringing out its issues since 2010 and subscribers’ list is growing longer every.

Now, the editorial team of IJNS has felt the need to create a website exclusively for IJNS and make the journal available online. So, we welcome you all to browse the contents of your favorite nursing journal ‘IJNS’ online, and we also request your feedback and suggestion for improving its contents and presentation.

Usha Mullick